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Parents ask the darnest questions

This post is a tribute to a dear friend's blog writing style.

a: What is that?
b: Its an ipod......ipod touch!!
a: I thought it was an iphone...
b: No, its an ipod.
a: Or a mini-ipad.
b: Its an ipod.

a: (after fiddling with it for a while) What is the difference between this an ipad anyway??
b: Lots of difference...
a: Like what?
b: Well the ipad has got better connectivity..
a: How?
b: You can make calls from it...but only if you have the 3G one...
a: Ok, What else?
b: ipad has got a camera...
a: I am assuming a better version of this thing would also have a camera...
b: Well, Yeah, but......(cant think of any more differences)...ipad has a bigger screen...
a: (giving a very "not so impressed" look)

a: My Dad
b: me (after trying to convince my dad to get an ipad for the last three months)


Unknown said…
Get an Aakash, everyone will be happy! Nice style btw ;)

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