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Ok, maybe some of you have gone through what I am going through, or probably something even worse, but being sick for long really kicks out the life out of you.

During our ever so busy lives, we sometimes think about getting sick so that we can relax a little and utilize those sick days the company gives us so generously every year. We think we would call in sick, everybody would immediately be understanding and supportive, and there would be lots of sitting around the house not doing anything but watch matinee TV. Well, that was what atleast I thought.

First of all, TV programming during day time is I think the reason most people show up at the office in the first place. Its full of the repeats of what you watched the previous evening mostly and the only 'fresh' content during daytime are the soaps, which obviously are not an option unless you want a slow and very painful death.

Second, the benefits of falling sick last only like a week or so, after which the things that you thought would be relaxing actually start getting irritating. I think its the total lack of target and options when it comes to being sick. You are as clueless as Abhishek Bachan is everytime he is facing the camera, while trying to figure out what you can do in this period. The nice and interesting things your body doesn't allow as you don't have the energy to pursue them. The so called work things, naturally suck out the rest of the energy inside even while thinking about them. Also, you sort of go through a series of extreme emotions in a day, while checking out what is happening in the outside world you feel sad and left out, worried even. While lying on the bed (there is only so much even a sick person can sleep) you come with the ideas of the century, which you think can change the world and excitedly think of detailed plans on how to execute them once you get well, only to forget them the next morning.

Thirdly, you think that everyone is sympathetic towards a sick friend. They are for a while, but then they have got more happening things to attend in life rather than listen to a sick person talk about the only thing he can talk about: his sickness.

Fourthly, the food gets bad when you are sick. Every relative will have his or her opinion as to which diet works best when someone is as sick as you. Your folks make sure every word of wisdom is put to use, and you become the guinea pig. For me, its been bad because the doctor only spoiled the game by saying complete no to fats of any sort. I am not a big fan of fatty foods, but the moment you put such a restriction, one cannot help but think only about that.

There are positive by products of long sickness that are there as well, for example you lose weight, which is what is making me atleast happy. Also, you don't have to be so compliant to the daily bath thing, you can sleep whenever you feel like unlike in office, you finally have time to admire that painting on the wall among other things.

I for one am not enjoying it anymore, want to get back on the grid as soon as possible, but the doc says it would take atleast 2-3 weeks more (womp womp womp...).


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