This play was an experiment for me and all others involved. It was my last semester and I was determined to do a play, a last play at IIT. I always wanted to do a play with my friends and my sophies prod experience was also very nice. I literally begged the Insti Dram secy for a slot in the annual prod and finally when he gave me a 10 minute slot, I prepared my play accordingly. From producing a great play, my focus went into producing a different one.
I appreciate the level to which we have risen as far as dramatics at IIT Bombay is concerned. There is however a pattern to what we show in our plays, it is mostly some old man or a lunatic as one of the leading characters. In the annual prod itself, the two most appreciated plays had almost the same plotline. They both had chess as the common ground for the leading characters and both were basically comedies trying to hint at a larger issue.
I have nothing against anybody and I applaud every effort by everyone, infact I was quite surprised by the Mime by one of the sophies group. I must say it was one of the most refreshing and different thing I have seen in my stay at IIT.
In my endeavor to deliver something different few great people supported me. It was because of their unflinching dedication that this play happened. Yuvraj, Arpit, Suyash, Desai all were first time actors and they did put in the hard work required. Himanshu (Humma) being a more experienced actor was able to pull in his enthusiastic self to make the play happen on such a short notice. I was able to convince them all to be comfortable with the english script. Pronati helped choreograph some much needed action scene and was also there to provide support. Finally it happened and our shaky attempt is there up for your criticism.