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Showing posts from May, 2012

To be or not to be

I have always wondered about myself, if engineering was the right path for me or would I have been happier and more satisfied being a DU student. There are several reasons why this question surfaces again and again, and for no good reason rattles me by painting a very different "what-if" kind of picture. One of the first reason is my current job and the people I meet in my company. If there is anything I like about my present organisation is that it is so diverse and full of so many kinds of people, that one ends up getting exposed to new perspectives on a continuous basis. In my student life, my perspectives however rich or 'bright' were more or less similar from what I would get from the very next person on the campus. In my office however, there is such multiplicity of opinion, such range of thought and thought processes, such diversity in analyzing a problem, that one truly ponders as to which side I belong to. If it is to be believed that all wisdom is nothi