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Showing posts from February, 2012


Take a moment to think about the best period in your life so far. I am not talking about moments, but a period of life which you feel, you were generally happy. My guess is, that barring childhood of course, it would have been a period where you were most busy. Busy doing work maybe, busy organizing things, busy managing people in your life, or anything else for that matter. But it would never be the period when you have had nothing to do. And believe me I am not saying that you were happy because you were so busy, all I am saying is that you were happy because maybe, just maybe, you could steal time. Steal time to do things you could not manage to do while you were busy. Something you wanted to do but never could afford to because of the time constraints and leading you to steal time from whatever that was keeping you busy and being happy for a while. Atleast I remember my best times in life, have not been when I had nothing to do. They in fact have been the worst to be honest. I thin